Podstrona jest w“Pod Dębami” (Under the Oaks) with an area of 328,92 hectares, in which forest complex in the valley of Mała Panew river between Kolonowskie and Zawadzkie is protected. It is a picturesque stretch of river with meanders, bays with steep banks and numerous old river beds. Numerous monumental specimens of Pedunculate Oaks Quercus robur and richness of flora and fauna are additional attractions of this area.
In the nature and landscape complex “Kocia Góra” (Cat’s Mountain) with an area of 370,36 hectares, are protected pine forests covering moraine hills and breeding ponds complex with interesting flora and fauna.
The nature and landscape complex “Nad Brzyniczką” (On the Brzyniczka) with an area of 155,43 hectares includes the valley of Brzyniczka river on the stretch between Kolonowskie and Pludry with its picturesque meanders through forest complex and mid-forest meadows.
In the Kolonowskie commune following ecological grounds also were created: Wielka Kobyla, Sowin, Grań, Laski, Rysi Kierz (Pysi Kierz), Czarna Dziura, Kiepka, Mała Kobyla, Kumince, Przy Myślińskiej, Przy Czarnej Dziurze, Bagno, Szczyrkowiska, Źródełko Stoczek.
The Kolonowskie commune also abounds in venerable trees – monuments of nature. In the Haraszowskie forestry is protected avenue of 129 Pedunculate Oaks Quercus robur and Northern Red Oaks Q. rubra at age of about 200 years. Parallel to the previous one is located irregular avenue of Pedunculate Oaks along the road “Błażkowa” also at the age of around 200 years. While next to the forester’s lodge Brzyniczka stands about 150 year-old solitary Pedunculate Oak. trakcie wypełniania.